Lea Wait

Pictures for the Media

Below are downloadable high resolution photos (JPGs) of Lea Wait and her book jacket covers. If you need additional photos, or photos in a different format, feel free to contact Lea at leawait@roadrunner.com

Lea WaitLea Wait black and white

Lea Wait with book Lea Wait Lea Wait

(To download an image, right click it and select "Save target as")

Stopping to Home Seaward Born Wintering Well

Finest Kind
Uncertain Glory

Shadows at the Fair Shadows on the Coast of Maine Shadows on the IvyShadows at the Spring Show

Shadows of a Down East Summer Shadows on a Cape Cod WeddingShadows on a Maine ChristmasShadows on a Morning in Maine

A Mainely Needlepoint Mystery: Twisted ThreadsA Mainely Needlepoint Mystery: Threads of EvidenceA Mainely Needlepoint Mystery: Thread and GoneA Mainely Needlepoint Mystery: Dangling by a Thread

A Mainely Needlepoint Mystery: Tightening the ThreadsA Mainely Needlepoint Mystery: Thread the HallsA Mainely Needlepoint Mystery: Thread HerringsA Mainely Needlepoint Mystery: Thread on Arrival

A Maine Murder Mystery: Death and a Pot of Chowder

Contrary WindsJustice and Mercy For Freedom Alone

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