Lea Wait

Wintering Well
Back to Novels for Young People

Simon & Schuster
Aladdin Books
ISBN 0689856474
Also available as e-book

At twelve years old, his schooling over, Will is looking forward to his first full year working with his father and brothers on their farm -- until his ax slips, and Will’s life, and that of his sister, Cassie, who blames herself for his accident, are changed forever. In 1820 Maine is a new state, full of opportunities. But can a man with only one leg make a place for himself? Where will his skills be valued? With Cassie to help him, Will finds new challenges in the nearby town of Wiscasset. He must prove his worth to survive. but he also finds possibilities he had not dreamed of. And Cassie, too, must find a new place for herself – helping Will, or without him. The moving story of two young people struggling to believe in themselves despite the changes in their world, and finding new futures.

-Bank Street College “one of best children’s books of 2004”
-Pennsylania State Librarians’ (PSLA) Young Adult Top 40 Fiction list
-Student Choice Award nominee in Maine, New Hampshire, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee
-Lamplighter Award nominee

Kirkus Reviews: “Each chapter begins with a passage from Cassie’s journal, offering a glimpse of the challenging decisions that face her and her whole family as they move past the tragedy and into the rest of their lives. Authentic historical details enrich the already fine writing. A treasure waiting to be found.”

Lexile: 780L     Accelerated Reader Points: 6.0

Teachers and Librarians:  For details on the themes in Wintering Well, how they relate to Common Core Standards, and questions for classroom discussions, see Educators’ page: Wintering Well.

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